Expatriates Unit – Property Deregistration

Expatriates Unit

Property owners who have either rented or leased property to a third party, whether it is a Maltese national, an EU national or a non-EU national (third-country national), who has either terminated the lease through mutual agreement or has left the premises and no longer lives there, should fill out and submit a De-Registration of Address Form (LINK), providing the details of each section of the form as well as the accompanying documentation listed in Section 5 of the same form, as applicable.


In cases where a property owner either starts receiving mail addressed to individuals who no longer live there or who are unknown to the owner and were never authorised to reside in the premises, must register a Police report and ensure that the address is freed up from the non-authorised individual by filling out and submit a De-Registration of Address Form (LINK), providing the necessary details and submit the accompanying documentation listed in Section 5 of the same form, as applicable.


Where the person using the address without authorisation is a Maltese national, the form should be sent to the Identity Cards Unit, Gattard House Blata l-Bajda.


In the case that the person using the address without authorisation is a non-Maltese national, the owner must send an email to landlords.identita@gov.mt, and submit the De-Registration Form together with the relevant documents to the Compliance Unit at Identità, Valley Road, Msida.


Contact Details:

Compliance Unit: landlords.identita@gov.mt

Identity Cards Unit: idcu.change.identita@gov.mt