Expatriates Unit Highly Qualified Individuals – Blue Card

Expatriates Unit

An EU Blue Card gives highly qualified workers from outside the EU the right to live and work in an EU country, provided they have higher professional qualifications, and an employment contract or a binding job offer with a high salary compared to the average in the EU country where the job is. The EU Blue Card applies in 25 of the 27 EU countries. It does not apply in Denmark and Ireland.

TCN’s who are granted a Blue Card shall enjoy equal treatment with Maltese Nationals as regards certain socio-economic rights. Such treatment is provided for in Regulation 13 of the Subsidiary Legislation 217.27.

 You may move to another Member state on the basis of your EU Blue card which mobility may be subject to the condition that the other Member states may lay down as provided or in Council directive 2021/1883. Residence on the basis of a Blue Card in a Member State will be reckoned for obtaining the Long-Term Residence as provided in the said directive. As regards family reunification certain derogations shall apply in order that your family may join you in Malta as per regulation 14 in the Subsidiary Legislation 217.27.