Expatriates Unit
If you have a work contract that covers at least a period of six months that fulfils the below conditions, you can be considered as a highly qualified worker.
The TCN has to be in possession of professional qualifications. For a definition of such professional qualifications please refer to regulation 2 in Subsidiary Legislation 217.27 https://legislation.mt/eli/sl/217.27/20231222/eng.
One has to have a contract of employment for such higher professional qualifications for a minimum period of 1 year. In order for the application to be accepted the salary has to be (1.5 x the average gross annual salary) in Malta. The average wage is published by the National Statistics office in the Labour force survey.
The applicant must present a higher education qualification suchlike a University Degree certificate and must also work as a paid worker to be eligible. One must also have the necessary travel documents in hand, in addition to the health insurance for the applicant him/herself and any relatives who wish to come to the EU.
The EU Blue Card is a work /residence permit application to be submitted online and issued to TCN’s who are highly qualified in terms of Subsidiary Legislation 217.27 https://legislation.mt/eli/sl/217.27/20231222/eng. Blue Card applications can only be submitted online. Following the granting of such access, the employer may proceed to apply through the Single Permit online platform. Click here for the necessary guidelines in submitting and following up such applications. In the case of a renewal or address or change in passport details or entry visa, applications must be submitted prior the relative expiry date of the document. Applications submitted post expiry date will not be accepted. In order to be issued with such document, they would have to provide a contract of employment with a Maltese employer. This type of permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of the relative EU directive. A Blue Card is distinct from a work/residence permit issued for highly qualified purposes under National policies such as the current Key Employee Initiative (KEI). For details regarding KEI service refer to LINK.
Blue Card holders, who have been issued with a residence permit for the first time under such system, will be issued with a residence permit valid for a period of two (2) years, as per Directive (EU) 2021/1883 of the European Parliament and the Council of 20 October 2021.
If the EU Blue Card holder's work contract covers a shorter period, the EU Blue Card shall be valid for at least the duration of the work contract plus three (3) months, but for no longer than the standard period of two (2) years.
Upon renewal, applicants may opt for a three (3) year Blue Card Permit, should all their documents cover such period including the travel document.
Should a Blue Card Permit holder change his employment, a new application for Blue Card will be required.
TCN’s who are granted a Blue Card shall enjoy equal treatment with Maltese Nationals as regards certain socio-economic rights. Such treatment is provided for in Regulation 13 of the Subsidiary Legislation 217.27.
You may move to another Member state on the basis of your EU Blue card which mobility may be subject to the condition that the other Member states may lay down as provided or in Council directive 2021/1883. Residence on the basis of a Blue Card in a Member State will be reckoned for obtaining the Long-Term Residence as provided in the said directive. As regards family reunification certain derogations shall apply in order that your family may join you in Malta as per regulation 14 in the Subsidiary Legislation 217.27.
The educational institution should be recognized by the Maltese Nation. Foreign educational qualifications also need to be recognized by the Member State. In lieu of the professional qualifications, Malta allows relevant professional experience of at least 10 years related to the specified sector listed on the work contract or job offer.
If you are in possession of a Blue card issued by another EU Member state, you can exercise mobility provided that the conditions of regulation 17 in the Subsidiary Legislation 217.27 https://legislation.mt/eli/sl/217.27/20231222/eng. whereby first and foremost your employment in Malta would have to be for highly qualified purposes, your salary would exceed the average wage.