Expatriates Unit
During the period of validity of an intra-corporate transferee permit, the holder of an intra-corporate transferee permit shall enjoy the following rights:
- the right to enter and stay in Malta;
- free access to the entire territory of Malta in accordance with national law;
- the right to exercise the specific employment activity authorised under the permit in accordance with national law, in any host entity belonging to the undertaking or the group of undertakings established in Malta.
Intra-corporate transferees admitted under these regulations shall enjoy equal treatment with regard to the terms and conditions of employment in accordance with the Posting of Workers in Malta Regulations. Intra-corporate transferees shall be entitled to receive equality of treatment as the comparable nationals of Malta where the work is carried out as regards:- Freedom of association and affiliation and membership of an organisation representing workers or employers or of any organisation whose members are engaged in a specific occupation, including the rights and benefits conferred by such organisations, without prejudice to the national provisions on public policy and public security;
- Recognition of diplomas, certificates and other professional qualifications in accordance with the Recognition of Professional Qualifications Regulations applied only after the persons concerned have been granted family reunification;
- The provision of regulation 9 regarding residence permits for family members shall be granted by the Executive Chairperson, if the conditions for family reunification are fulfilled, within ninety days from the date on which the complete application was submitted. The Executive Chairperson shall process the residence permit application for the intra-corporate transferee’s family members at the same time as the application for the intra-corporate transferee permit or the permit for long-term mobility, in cases where the residence permit application for the intra-corporate transferee’s family members is submitted at the same time. The procedural safeguards laid down in regulation 13 shall apply accordingly;
- Regarding the duration of the validity of the residence permits of family members in Malta, shall, as a general rule, end on the date of expiry of the intra-corporate transferee permit or the permit for long-term mobility issued by the Executive Chairperson;
- Without prejudice to the principle of preference for European Union citizens as expressed in the relevant provisions of the relevant Acts of Accession, the family members of the intra-corporate transferee who have been granted family reunification shall be entitled to have access to employment and self-employed activity in Malta.

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