Public Registry Sec Page – Marriage Registry

Public Registry

The Marriage Registry section receives requests for the publication of banns for marriages and civil unions taking place in Malta. The Marriage Registry section is responsible for both religious and civil marriages.




Couples are requested to book an appointment with a Marriage Registry officer by clicking on the following Link or by sending an email to at least three (3) months before their marriage date. The email must contain a telephone number where the couple may be contacted.


Article 15(1) of the Marriage Act (Cap 255 of the Laws of Malta states that; ‘A civil marriage shall be contracted in the presence of the Registrar, or of an officer of the Marriage Registry authorised by the Registrar to officiate at marriages, and of the witnesses required by this Act.’.

Fee Structure


The Applicable Fees are:


Civil Marriage Fees


At Marriage Registry:

Both Spouses reside in Malta - €25.65

One Spouse resides Abroad - €51.30

Both Spouses reside Abroad - €76.95


Outside Marriage Registry:

Both Spouses reside in Malta - €51.30

One Spouse resides Abroad - €76.95

Both Spouses reside Abroad - €102.60


Religious Marriage Fees


Both Spouses reside in Malta - €25.65

One Spouse resides Abroad - €51.30

Both Spouses reside Abroad - €51.30