Central Visa Unit
- Representatives of educational establishments will be requested to submit a list of accepted students to the CVU prior to the commencement of the visa process. Following preliminary checks, CVU will communicate the approved list of students to the respective Consular post or Member State (in case of representation). CVU shall inform the respective educational establishment of the list of students that may submit their application and the relevant submission point. CVU clearance does not equate to an approval of the visa application.
- Normal visa procedures, including interviews with the applicants and additional due diligence procedures, are to be followed at the discretion of the CVU and the Consular Post.
- Consular offices will process student visa applications as provided for by CVU in line with Identità policies.
- Consular offices will keep CVU updated on the outcome of the visa process. They must return the list of applicants together with information about the outcome of their applications.
- CVU shall inform the relevant educational establishment, MEDE and Identità Expatriates Unit of the list of students who have been granted a visa to pursue a study course in Malta.
- Education establishments are obliged to inform MEDE and CVU immediately regarding:
- Non-arrivals of student/s in Malta who have therefore not reported to the school;
- Any changes in accommodation arrangements or course of study of the students;
- Unjustified students’ absence from the school, or;
- Any other relevant matters which may lead the authorities to revoke an issued visa or residence permit.
- Schools may be obliged to forward to Identità monthly attendance records of each student issued with a visa or residence permit. Identità may also request a progress report on individual students.
- Identità and the Police Immigration Office may carry out physical inspections at the school and monitor attendance of the students concerned. Any information concerning irregularities of shortcomings by the schools with respect to immigration matters will be passed on to the relevant national regulators for any action which may be deemed appropriate.

Visa Booking
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